Well there’s a light in your eye that keeps shining, Like a star that can’t wait for the night…” ~Led Zeppelin

Happy holidays! And, apparently I don’t blog enough.

K and I were having dinner the other night with some dear friends that we haven’t seen in almost a year, and the topic went from, ‘How have you guys been? What’s new?’ to… ‘You need to blog more! Do you know how long it’s been?? Much too long!’ Haha! Sorry, Hannah, had to throw you under the bus for that one. 🙂
But seriously, sometimes life is just WAY more exciting than the internet, and I just can’t seem to sit down long enough to pour out an entry. However- I am going to make this my New Years Resolution. I resolve to blog more. Because, in all honesty, I really love to do it. But sometimes I don’t even visit my own blog for weeks on end. And then I have beautiful comments from awesome readers and I feel like poop because I haven’t responded fast enough. And then the guilt sets in about abandoning the blog for so long and that makes me really want to stay away, because how many times can I say sorry for not blogging. Or is it Sorry for Party Rocking? But alas, here we are again. And yet again… Sorry for not blogging. Moving on…

We are enjoying this holiday season SO much! No stress, no rushing around, no angry shoppers fighting for parking spaces or the last DVD set of Sons of Anarchy Season 2. Ah… just bliss with my love being home, our sweet little Christmas tree, and lots of yummy vegetarian dinners at home. See, this year we decided to not buy presents for anyone, not even each other. No consumerism = no holiday stress. We did allow each other presents ONLY if they were hand-made by us. So instead of Christmas morning being the pinnacle of the holiday because thats when the presents are opened, we are enjoying every single moment just being together. And the days up to Christmas seem to last longer. They are being savored rather than having the feeling of rushing around to buy things for everyone. It is so nice. We are so relaxed and happy to just watch the chaos fly around us while we just look at each other and smile. I recommend this to everyone.

Until today. I did something completely out of my comfort zone, and far from my usual routine. I went to the mall today. Yes, December 26th, the Day After Christmas…! One of the cra-zaaziest shopping days of the year. WHY? I need a new coat for Alaska. And I figured I could sneak in under the radar and hit up the one store that was sure to have my perfect coat in stock for Uber-cheap, my color and size of course. And then I would whisk myself up to the register, pay and be out and on my way home in 30 minutes or less. Because I AM that confident and a total positive-thinker, and I only want one little thing, right?

{How I imagined my shopping experience was going to be...}

{What I actually saw when I got there}

Of course I asked K if he wanted to join me and get some new gloves. HA! He looked at me like I was looney and said no thank you love, but good luck. In fact, he actually suggested I bring my badass knife he got me for Christmas (Yup, of COURSE he broke the rules and gave me gifts). Anyway, I drive to the mall, happy as can be, calling upon the Parking Fairies to grant me rockstar parking right in front of the one store I knew would have my coat. Well, that didn’t quite happen. But I did get to see two older ladies scream at each other from their cars, fighting over a parking spot, obvs. That’s okay, I’m still cheerful and optimistic.
I can now see my store, but crap, with all the parking traffic, I am barely inching my way through the lot. I decide to park further away and walk. It’s a beautiful day out and I could use the walk after all the coconut milk egg nog I drank. SO I pull down an aisle and voila! A parking space appeared right in front of me! Thank you parking fairies! I get out of my car and start the pretty far walk to the store. I cut between cars and move to another aisle, then another. A car pulls up in front of me and a guy leans out of his car to yell at me for taking him on a goose chase. What the..? Apparently, he had been following me from aisle to aisle thinking that I was looking for my car to leave. Oops, I had no idea. Whatevs, dude. Two altercations in under 5 minutes but I am STILL having a good time. I just wave and carry on.
I finally get to my store and a whoosh of reality washed over me as I walked in. There were SO many people with angry, maniacal, and pissed off looks on their faces that I had to pause and find my courage to go on. Crying kids, yelling moms, people flinging through the racks with reckless abandon, throwing coats that didn’t fit them on the floor, others grabbing 5 at a time, not even looking at sizes, just so they could go take them to a corner to try on without having to shank someone for it. It was complete madness.
I took a deep breath…
And I walked over to the nearest rack that (miraculously) had only one person digging through. I found a couple nice ones, but my eyes were glazing over, my palms were getting sweaty, and my bottom lip was getting ready to pucker. Yes, my friends, I was thisclose to losing it. I wanted to either A. run for the door while screaming: “You’re all a bunch of f#*@ing lunatics!” or B. give up and sit down somewhere, where they would eventually find me rocking in a corner.

However, I pulled up my big girl panties and did C. Made one last scan of the coats with authority, wearing a confident smile while still being ready to fend off the crazies if I found My Coat. And then… there it was. The only one of its kind in the store, Michael Kors, down, mid-thigh, puffy but fitted with a faux fur trimmed hood,  in MY size, marked down from $400 to $109. True story. It was only a coat, but the victory I felt in that moment could only have been better if there was a soundtrack playing in the back ground, like in a Katherine Heigl movie. I took my starry eyes and my new favorite coat EVER up to the register. Where I waited.

Yep, still waiting.

But that’s okay because I WON. I wrapped my arms around my coat to snuggle in its warmth while I waited. I walk up to the register and she sweetly tells me that My Coat is now only going to be $85 because it has been marked down yet again for today only. Ahhhh sweet victory. I abandoned the rest of my plans and just went home to have lunch with K. My day was complete and oh so sweet. BUT- I vow to NEVER do that again. I have no idea what I was thinking…

So me and My Coat are heading up to Anchorage with K on Thursday for their New Years Eve concert. I am so excited! See, I was born and raised in Hawaii. However, for a couple of wild years when I was a little one, my parents, my dog and I were nomads and went from Hawaii to California, then up to Maine and all the way through Canada (in a van with shag carpet walls!!) to Nome Alaska where we lived on the tundra for a year or so. I don’t remember any of it, but I have some great photos, and I love hearing the stories…

{Yes, that is me. Could I look any more uncomfortable?}

Then I came back to Hawaii, all before I was 3 I think? Mom, dad, you can probably fact check me here. But I have never been back to Alaska, and now we have the chance. I’m very excited to see the Aurora Borealis again, and to visit a glacier south of Anchorage. It wasn’t on my Life List, but I am eager to experience it just the same. Are any of you readers out there in Anchorage? Anyone coming to the show? We will be there for about six days and would love to have some recommendations of restaurants, fun things to see, etc. And wouldn’t you know it… there is a yoga studio next to the venue. Boom. 🙂

It has been such a wonderful year, and one word sums it all up for me. Gratitude. I am so grateful for everything in my world: My love, my family, my friends, my studio, our travels, our life together. It’s been a fabulous ride so far, and I am so excited to see what the New Year brings! I would love to hear from all of you… What are your plans for New Years Eve? Are you making a resolution this year? Of course, mine is to blog more, blah, blah. But other than that, I really don’t have another one in mind. Just to Live. Live happily, live healthily, and honestly and lovingly. Enjoy every. single. moment of this beautiful life and to appreciate and love my closest like it’s the last day of the world.

Happy New Year. Peace to all.

Reading: Jimmy Page. Magus. Magician. Man.
Listening to: Chris Cornell- Live acoustic tour. Swoon…
Eating: Homemade Vegan Harvest soup (basically any veggies I have on hand)
Grateful for: Kaleo making me delicious breakfasts every morning. I’m spoiled.


“Tell me, what will you do with your one wild life?” ~Mary Oliver

I love that quote. Even though I do believe that we have more than one life, I think it is a beautiful question. For this life. Maybe this is your only wild one. 🙂

So the man is now well into his Like a Surgeon tour, and the send off was SO much fun. Two nights at the Grove of Anaheim, two nights at the Hotel Menage by Disneyland. Which, by the way, is such a fun place to stay at! We stay in the lofts, there is always reggae playing over the sound system and the restaurant is delicious. They have a menu that consists solely of “Street Food” from around the world. All served in small portions on little recyclable containers. It’s pretty cool, and I highly recommend it. In fact, I am going to do a review for the other blog I’m a part of, Girls Gone Global soon.

The shows were tons of fun and I did see some people dressed up as naughty nurses and surgeons! Awesome job, guys and girls (that means you too Alicia!). The opening bands were on fire. The Pricks were a new one for me, but they were really great! Pour Habit is such a fun band to watch, the music is incredible, and they guys are just all around good people. Then came Shwayze and Cisco, who are like family. I love their music, their style, and their smooth energy that they bring to the tour. Awesome humans. And then of course were our boys. This show has got to be one of their greatest performances yet. They have put so much into this, with lighting, new music, their costumes… It’s a fantastic event. I’m super excited about the NYC shows.

Other than that, I’m just getting back into the groove of things here at home. It’s a quiet, lonely first couple of days, for sure. Even though I get to see him throughout tour on the road, it’s an interesting feeling knowing that he won’t be in our bed, or on the couch, or walking to the beach by our house with me for 2 months. But after a few days, everything goes back to normal and I am fine. I know I’ve said this before, but I love taking this time for me and doing something either on my list or something I didn’t even know was on the list… Last time it was knitting a baby blanket (almost finished!), the time before that it was to open a yoga studio. This time I have started to write my book! Very excited about this one. Who knows how long it will take, but I have a very good feeling about it.

I haven’t downloaded the photos of the concerts from my iPhone to my laptop yet, so once again they are forthcoming. I’m having so much fun with the Hipstamatic app, it’s not even funny. Why is it that I can get better photos with that than my really nice Cannon camera?? Oh right, because I haven’t yet learned how to really use that camera, I forgot. Maybe next tour… 😉


You gotta dance closer to the ones that you love…

Quick update before Kaleo and I hop the train to Anaheim…

First of all, I wanted to share the song I was listening to this morning while I was packing my bag for the next couple of days:

Fantastic Nordic lounge music from a Swedish producer who goes by the name of Hird. I highly recommend  his stuff.

Today Kaleo kicks off his 9 week US headlining tour with two nights at the Grove in Anaheim. We will be getting a room up there for the next couple of nights, moving him back into their new tour bus, and saying our goodbyes Early Friday morning. (huge pout) But only for a couple of weeks, until I fly out to meet up with him again somewhere fun. Definitely NYC, other than that I have yet to decide. I am really looking forward to these next few days though. Some director is going to be filming a 3D video at tonights show which should be interesting. I am really curious to see how many naughty nurse outfits show up in the next couple of days, ha! I know what I am not going to be for Halloween. It’s always lame when you get all dressed up and there is someone else wearing the same costume as you, or something similar, let alone about 100 others wearing the same thing! But I think it’s really fun that people are willing to come dressed up to a concert. Major kudos. I sometimes even have a hard time changing from my jammies or yoga clothes while lounging on the tour bus, into an actual outfit for the show. Ahh the comforts of home on the road…

Happy birthday (yesterday)to my mom in Kona! We love you so much. I hope your day was wonderful!! Also, a happy birthday (yesterday) to Haj’s baby!! He was born at 10:55am and he is BEAUTIFUL. Perfect. Just precious… Mommy, daddy and baby are all doing well, and I can’t wait to meet the little heartbreaker when I get home on Friday.

Congratulations to Lauren and Sean on their wedding coming up soon! I really wish I could be there, but I’m grateful that I got to see you at the shower and in yoga! Eden… I’m super bummed that I will miss your birthday on Kauai with Emma and DeAnn. So tonight we celebrate! Love you all.

Okay, well I am off to the train station with my lovely husband and a backpack. Always ready and willing for an adventure! Life is good. 😉


Love means never having to say… “I’m sorry for not blogging.”

So of COURSE I have been lagging in the blog area… I am a busy girl. Visiting Kaleo on tour in multiple cities, having my mom here, Kaleo coming home, Kaleo’s mom visiting, not to mention running a business and changing the world, one day at a time…you get the picture. Haha. Well, my friends, I have a solution. My friend Christy over at the Domestic Princess posted this cool 30 Day Blog something-or-other that I want to participate in. It’s outlined below, but please note that I will be posting normal blogs in addition to the 30 Day thingamajigg. Which means that I will be putting up the photos of tour that I promised. I’m so bad at this, and I’m so sorry. (big pout, major tail between the legs) Gosh, I never thought that this little ol’ blog would bring so much guilt. Ugh. Anyway- starting tomorrow, please see below:

Day 1 – your favorite song X
Day 2 – your favorite movie X
Day 3 – your favorite television program X
Day 4 – your favorite book
Day 5 – your favorite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took X
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently X
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 – my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a youtube video X
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future

“And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles…” -Led Zeppelin

Kaleo is back on tour, after many months of being home. I have so enjoyed having him around this long… Recording his new album, helping me open the yoga studio, moving into a new house, having amazingly good times filled with laughter and love as well as helping each other through the hard times of losing Bella, Delta, and most recently, Sweet Maria. Even though we have been together 9 and a half years, we have grown even closer than imaginable in these past 6 months. I am so grateful for you, my love, and I can’t wait to see you on the road soon. We have recently been taking advantage of our close proximity to the ocean by going for long walks on the beach. Wow, that sounds so cliche… Actually what we have been doing is taking the train down to Carlsbad to watch the World Cup and then walking back home via the beach. But really, it is so beautiful and serene, and necessary. Did you know that just by being near the ocean, you can replenish yourself of the negative ions your body needs to stay balanced and healthy? It’s true. And by being near something vast and open such as an ocean, lake, mountains, etc., will have a positive effect on your mood, emotions and outlook. Ok, off the subject, sorry. My point is that I have been enjoying our time together immensely. 😉

I am teaching a Restorative Yoga workshop with Danielle tomorrow at the studio from 2-5. It will be three hours of bliss… What a wonderful way to spend my day. Taking a yoga class in the morning, and then teaching a workshop in the afternoon where everyone will leave feeling peaceful, relaxed, and… happy. I love that my line of work makes people feel good. It’s hard to believe that a year and a half ago I was in a job where I was so stressed that it made me feel physically ill, working for people who didn’t appreciate what I gave to the company, and at the end of the day, did what I do make anyone feel happy and healthy? That is a resounding NO. Funny how things work out…

I’m excited to head out to Red Rocks soon to visit Kaleo on tour. It’s such a beautiful venue, I recommend everyone seeing a show there once in your life if possible. (bucket list, Linda) It is a natural amphitheater built into the mountain. This time I have to try to make it out to the seats to see what the view is like. I’ve heard it is gorgeous, but I have only seen everything from the view on the stage. Even the greenrooms down below are built into the natural topography of the red rocks. And I get to see some friends who live there and of course my cousin Jasmine! It’s a good time all around. Aaaaand, the other girls from Girls Gone Global are taking a road trip in a Prius to meet me out there! How crazy fun is that?? Makes me feel just a teeny bit guilty for flying out in a big bad airplane, but hey! I have limited time with my sweetie, so there. And he will be flying from Tennessee to meet me so I have to be there faster than driving allll the way in a little. teeny. electric. car. Boom. Ok I’m done and guilt-free.

Red Rocks at night. The stage is waaay down to the right of the photo.

Well it is way past my bedtime and I’m getting sleepy. My sleep has been slightly getting back to normal as of last night, so I’m hoping tonight is a good one so I’m well rested for tomorrow. It always take a couple of days to adjust when Kaleo leaves for tour. Especially in our new house and with no Bella around to snuggle with. I guess have to be a big girl. With jammies, warm almond milk, and a big baseball bat next to my bed. Ha.

Life is good. Really, really good. Right now, make a list of five things that you are grateful for on a piece of paper. Anything, big or small. Maybe you like your feet. Or you have the day off. Or you’re in love. And keep that little piece of paper with you all and day look at it whenever you need to or just want to. Update the list whenever you feel like it. Maybe every morning, or before bed. Just try it and see how it feels for a few days. There are no rules, make your own. Here’s mine for the night:

1. I am grateful for my loving, sweet, kind, beautiful husband
2. I am grateful for my supportive, loving, family
3. I am grateful for my health and the health of my loved ones
4. I am grateful for my big, cozy, fluffy bed that I will be floating on in about ten minutes
5. I am grateful that I make a living by doing something I love, and so does Kaleo

Anyone want to share their list?

Ok, good night all…


“You want to be a writer, don’t know how or when? Find a quiet place, use a humble pen.” -Paul Simon

Since I rarely have the time to sit down and blog in entirety, I have decided to just mini-post when I get a moment and of course blog-fo-real when I can. So since my last post this is what’s been up in Wassman World… A la Carte and Pupu-Style. 😉

1. Kaleo and I celebrated our 8th year of being married! Time certainly flies when you are having the time of your life. Can you believe our humble little wedding on the beach at Makalawena was 8 YEARS AGO?? And things just continue to get better and better. Life is good. I am so grateful for you, my love. Always Underwater, always in love, always my best friend.

2. We adopted a pig! Well, actually we are sponsoring her so she doesn’t live with us. She is a rescued pig at Farm Sanctuary. Please check out the link, they do amazing work and save a lot of animals. I will post an entire blog about them someday soon. For now, here’s a photo of our rescue, Blossom!


3. We went to Vegas for Pepper’s 4th annual Hard Rock Pool summer kick off party this past weekend. It was tons of fun as usual! Ron Jeremy was there for a porn convention of some sort and Yee ran into him and put him on the list. Then it came time for the concert and he asked Coach if he could introduce the band on stage. He was great, and it was hilarious! I was on the opposite side of the stage from him and it was fun to see the legendary Mario Bros lookalike jamming out to Pepper with his bevy of ladies. Ha! Never a dull moment…

4. Kaleo’s hair is so long that he can put it in a ponytail. No joke. I swear. Dad, you would be proud. And if it isn’t in a ponytail (alright, it never really is unless he is joking around), it is a huge ‘fro that is IN CHARGE. Uncle Danny would be proud.

5. Yoga Oceanside has been open for almost six months! I can’t believe it has been that long already. We just hired another teacher who is going to be starting an active, Ashtanga based class in July, which I am SO excited about. She is a amazing teacher who has been studying with Tim Miller for many years. Everything about our studio makes me happy. From our space to our students, our teachers and our classes, it’s all incredible and I am so grateful. I know, I always say that but I AM!! It’s true!

6. Kaleo is getting ready to head back on tour with 311 next week. And the new songs for the new album are GREAT…… I am really excited, this is going to be the best album yet. I can feel it.

7. I taught my first Ayurveda workshop for the Yoga Teacher Trainees last week! I’m still taking courses in my program from the Ayurvedic Institute, so I haven’t received my certification yet. But this was just an Introduction to Ayurveda so we didn’t get too much into diagnostics and practice. I love life, there is so much to learn! It’s never-ending….

So that’s about it for now. I suppose a few short updates are better than one long one a month, right? Sooo that means I will be back very soon. Enjoy this gorgeous day!


Good Morning!

Apparently, according to my dad, I don’t blog enough. He’s right, and I wish I could figure out the super neat-o app on my iPhone from WordPress to allow me to blog from my travels. But there is just something comforting about writing from my laptop, using ten fingers to type, instead of two thumbs, and seeing everything at one time on the large screen. Holy Moly, I just realized that I am hanging on to the old school, instead of surrendering to the new technology! Resisting the iPhone blog update app is like resisting email writing in preference to mailing an actual letter… I love when I find things out about myself. It’s not that there is any real meaning to it, but it certainly makes me go hmmmm. But I do love blogging. It makes me more aware of things around me, as I try to put what I see in words that other people can understand and relate to. So I guess it’s as if I am translating my thoughts, as random and wild as they can be, to actual English. English that the masses (you) can totally get. Yeah? Did that translate, or am I in too deep….? Well anyway, I guess for now old fashioned blogging on a computer will have to suffice. Speaking of old fashioned, lately I have noticed that I’ve been gravitating towards the use of words and sayings that I think my Bubbie would have used, and I know for a fact that I have heard either my parents, or the parents of my peers say. I mean, even the use of ‘old fashioned’ instead of ‘old school’ (or skool, if you want to be really crazy), and ‘peers’ instead of friends, peeps, homies… You get the idea. Some awesome ones are:

‘Whatever floats your boat.’ Um…. WATER! water floats my boat!

‘She’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’. I say that about our pig and I feel ridiculous every single time.

‘Oh for cryin’ out loud!’ Ok, that one is for you, Fuchser. Why you crying out loud, Leenda??

And one of the funniest things I think I ever hear my Bubbie say: ‘If I had a dog as ugly as that, I’d shave his butt and make him walk backwards.’ Ha!! I am so totally bringing that one back! I mean, the visual!! Oh, Bubbs, you are so missed.

I would LOVE to hear some of the funny old sayings that you’ve noticed yourself using lately. Reply, reply! I think we should have a movement. Let’s bring back old names too, why not?? I’ve named my new plants Alice and Olive. Some other fun ones are Clementine and Fannie. Isn’t Fannie the most awesome name you’ve heard all day? I bet Kristen Wiig would name one of her characters Fannie. Maybe even with a Y, Fanny.

The fabulous Kristen Wiig

The fabulous Kristen Wiig

I really do love her. And the pink and black, it’s just to die for. I read somewhere that she is a vegetarian and does yoga, which makes her even cooler in my book, in addition to the fact that she is just such a silly goose and makes up the funniest characters that you KNOW you’ve seen somewhere in real life. Have you SEEN Forgetting Sarah marshall?? Helloooo, Prana? GENIOUS!

Have any of you checked out that website, engrishfunny.com? It’s hi-laaar-ious. It shows actual tee shirts, signs and such that are found in Asia. I will leave you with a couple of morsels before I head out to my day.

slap my fro???

slap mah fro???

And todays winner is……

But what if I want the grass to smile at me??

What was in that grass?

And I’m out. I am going to get a book for my 4.5 hour train ride to Santa Barbara tomorrow morning. I LOVE trains, I’m Uber-excited. However, it does leave at 7am. Eh, no big deal. I get to see Kaleo when I get there, and meet up with Eden to celebrate her Birthday! And then after the concert come home on the tour bus and have two days off with him before he heads back out. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday in my book. And of course I’m totes spending the extra 16 bucks for business class on the train. That way I will be guaranteed a seat and not have to fight for one or heaven forbid, STAND. I mean, I could stand, but not for almost 5 hours, and have you seen me walk? My closest homies all want to go in on getting me a helmet, let’s just leave it at that. Maybe I SHOULD rock a helmet. It could be so fashion-forward, like Lady Gaga-ish. If I bedazzled it, or whatever the cool name is these days, and wore it around NYC I bet I could start something. Or be committed, depending on the fashion police.

Enjoy this beautiful day!


Aloha Oe

Let me start by stating the obvious… We miss home!! Ahhh! We had such a great trip back, thanks to everyone in our families and all of our friends. We started on Oahu where the boys played a show at the Pipeline. Anuhea opened for them with her lovely songbird voice, her mean chops on the guitar, and her talented band. What a sweetheart that girl is. Playing at the Pipeline is like having a reunion each and every time. The backstage is always packed with friends and family from all over the islands. Only thing is that there isn’t really a place to watch from because they pack it in like sardines, but everyone had a great time, so it’s all good. Wait, wait, wait! Hold on, I forgot how it REALLY started! We got off the flight, checked in to the hotel and jumped in the water. Then Kaleo got a call from Peni from Natural Vibrations. They were playing Hot Hawaiian Nights on the rooftop of some restaurant. Of COURSE we went! It was like our own private show because they only let so many people in since they were filming. It was so nice to see Natty Vibes and their families… Kaleo and I snuck out before the show was over (we are getting really good at that!) and called it an early-ish night. The next morning, Remy, Whitney and I walked down to the end of Waikiki by the zoo and I led a mini-yoga class on the beach. Until we were interrupted by a flatbed truck backing up with the back-up-beeps and everything. Awesome, guys! ANyway, we consistently go to Dukes when we are home. I don’t know if it is necessarily for the food, but the atmosphere is great. You sit there with friends and family and talk and eat sashimi while enjoying a drink, but the real allure is that at any moment, you can just walk out to the sand, drop your clothes and jump in the water! Or pick up a board and paddle out, right there! And then when you’re pau, just shower off (or not), and walk back up to your table, barefoot and happy. Ahhhh, I miss home!



We got to see so many people while we were on Oahu. Uncle Danny and Nancy, my dad and Renee (and the doggies! Dylan and Sydney), and my dear friend Galit and her beautiful daughter, Alegria. I have been friends with Galit since we both moved to Oahu during our Junior year of high school. I came from the Big Island and she came from  Boston via Germany and Spain. We were both the new kids and therefore became extremely close. After high school, she went to Japan and then away to fashion design school in Spain and we lost contact… Until now! I am so, so grateful to have found her again, as she has always been one of my closest friends. And she is exactly the same as she always was, absolutely beautiful. Now if only I could see Emma when I go home… But alas, she is on Kauai. I always knew my little earthchild Em would end up there, happily married with an organic garden and looking the exact same as she did when she was 20. Like seriously, the same. But with even better hair, if you can believe it.

Galit, Alegria and me

Galit, Alegria and me

So Oahu was great. We miss all of you there so much. Then we headed over to Kona. Our main goals for coming home to Kona after the show was to see Delta, attend the Campbell/Stevenson wedding, and to visit family. Unfortunately, our dear friend Delta sadly passed away four days before we made it home. He had been battling cancer since the end of January, and it finally took over. He was so strong, and such a positive icon for the community. He will be so greatly missed by everyone he knew, throughout the islands and beyond. Our hearts go out to Juanita, Amber, and all of his family and friends. We love you Braddah Delts. FBI for life.

Old airport the day we got home...

Pine Trees the day we got home...

Old Airport the same day...

Old Airport the same day...

The day after we arrived in Kona there was a bachelor/bachelorette party for Sam and Keli. Although the details were a little unclear, we figured out that the guys were to dress up as ridiculous tourists, and the girls were to dress as pirate/pinup girls, or something to that effect. Kaleo was supposed to meet the guys at 3 (!!) to start their festivities. I got ready at mom’s house with Whitney and Remy, and we went down to Kona Inn to meet up with all the pirate pinup girls. Arrrggghhh! We showed up and there were about 30 girls dressed in the best costumes ever! I had no idea sleepy little Kona had all of those awesome outfits. The idea was that Keli had to cross a bunch of scavenger hunt type things off a list. When those were done we would surprise her with… Sam! All of the guys would be meeting us at On The Rocks in town. So we finish up at Kona Inn and walk down towards our final destination. With a quick stop at Bubba Gumps to try and get a man to give Keli his underwear. What?! It was on the ‘list’! There was an older gentleman, maybe 70,  sitting alone at the bar…

Him: Hey what is this, a birthday party?

Us: It’s a bachelorette party! Arggh! (we were pirates, get it?)

Him: Wow, looks like you girls are having fun! Cheers!

Us: Hey, are you wearing underwear?

Him: Why, yes, I am actually. *blushing* Why do you ask?

Us: Because we need them, Arrgghh! Can we please have your underwear for the bachelorette and then she can have her prize! (of course this is making total sense to us and only us)

Him: Hmm, well, I uh… What the hell, I don’t see why not! (heads to the men’s room)

Us: Yay! Arggh! Woo-hoo!

A few minutes later he comes back with his tighty whities folded discreetly in his hand and gives them to Keli! Who takes a photo holding them. And yes, gives the sweet old man back his bbd’s. And we’re off! We walked down to the next venue to meet up with the guys who were expertly dressed as ridiculously bad tourists.

I don't even know what to say!

I don't even know what to say!

It was a great night out with all of the guys and girls! Of course, we did sneak home early that night too. 🙂 Kaleo had to surf early in the AM.

Kaleo and the groom

Kaleo and the groom

The bride and her girls dancing on the bar at Ocean's

The bride and her girls dancing on the bar at Ocean's

(sorry for the blurry shots- Kaleo’s camera was on the wrong setting. It’s artsy…)

While we were in Kona, our friends Mark (the shark) and Rene had their baby! Beautiful little girl, Isley Liberato. Congratulations to the happy couple! We love you guys…



Puako sunset

Puako sunset

So now it’s time for the wedding. A little background first… Sam and Keli used to date, back in the day. They were made for each other. They parted ways, and dated other people. That ended, and Sam and Keli got back together. Sam proposed, Keli accepted! And the prophecy is fulfilled, as the boys say.

the Bollingers

the Bollingers

We went out a little early because Kaleo and Bret were in the wedding, along with Muff, B, Ruth, etc. The ceremony was down at waters edge, so close in fact, that the entire wedding party was standing in the ocean! The ceremony was officiated by Mike McMichael, who was ordained for the wedding, just like how we had Remy do ours! There is something so special about having a loved one perform your wedding ceremony.

Mike McMichaels and Kaleo

Mike McMichaels and Kaleo

The lovely ladies

The lovely ladies

The ceremony was short and very sweet. Afterwards, everyone walked over to the reception which was directly across the street. It was like another reunion! Picture 300-400 of your friends and family that you haven’t seen in a long time. And the babies! There were so many gorgeous babies! It seems like every time we come home there are more and more of them. My mom and Max were there and I got the ‘look’. You know the one. It was the, ‘uh-huh-everyone-is-doing-it-just-make-us-a-damn-grandchild-already’ look. Haha! Just kidding mom! But I KNOW what you were thinking. 🙂

So we caught up with almost everyone, and watched in awe as Ruthie and Muff sang their little songbird hearts out. We have the most talented friends, it’s crazy. Seriously, what is in the water in Kona, and why did I not drink any of it when I was growing up?!?! The party lasted until… well we don’t know because we did our amazing Wassman disappearing act again! But it was LATE. And of course, the entire party practically moved to the hotel anyway, so we hung out for a while at the pool with all of them.

The next day we met Kainoa and mom, Robin, Lehua, Darius and the Keikis down at Kiholo Bay. It is one of the most amazing places on the BI. Can I really say that? Geez, there are SO many places there that are just magical. We are truly blessed to be from there. But Kiholo really is beautiful. We pulled up to our spot which was way down in the bay, through the gate. We walked right over the reproducing rocks to the clear ocean and jumped in. If you don’t know about the rocks, I don’t think I can tell you. If you know, you know. So we went down the path to the other bay, where the island is and where all of the honus go to sun themselves on the black sand beach. The water is a delicious mixture of salt water and fresh water that comes from underground fresh springs. The water is so clear that it isn’t even blue, it’s just- clear. And the sand at the bottom is so black that it almost shines. As we swam around the smaller island, we would go through warm and cold patches of water that were made from the springs nearby. We swam out to the larger island and beached ourselves in the warm black sand. It felt like we were in some expensive, private island day spa where they exfoliate you with volcanic sand. But way better. Simply beautiful. We laid there for a while talking and laughing with our family, just enjoying the moment and really appreciating where we came from. Sometimes it takes being away for a bit to truly understand what you are missing, and what you are working so hard to come home for.

Coming from the ocean to the brackish pond to eat

Coming from the ocean to the brackish pond to eat

Kaleo and Tehani

Kaleo and Tehani

Kaleo's beautiful sister, Lehua

Kaleo's beautiful sister, Lehua



This was our last day home. We went to my mom’s house and had an incredible dinner that Max cooked, drank the bottle of vinho verde that we brought back from Portugal, and laughed histerically as Lehua, Max, and mom tried the Japanese eyedrops. Another wonderful trip home. When we got back to California, we had to rest for a day or so, then head up to LA for a red carpet party and a festival show. Talk about a culture shock! After being so relaxed and natural on the beach everyday, no makeup… To a red carpet party? Whoa. I mean, I never really feel like I fit in at those things anyway. Like I’m some loosy-goosey hippie chick in a world of… well, LA chicks. But it felt especially foreign after two weeks in Portugal and two weeks in Hawaii. But it was fun to play dress up for the night and pretend that I fit in, effortlessly… haha. 😉

Kaleo wore his Braddah Delts shirt on the red carpet

Kaleo wore his Braddah Delts shirt on the red carpet

Action shot? It's blurry...

Action shot? It's blurry...

Pepper dressing room right across from Ozzy's

Pepper dressing room right across from Ozzy's

We had such a wonderful trip home. Thanks to all of our family and friends who made it so special. My dad and Renee and the doggies, Uncle Danny and Nancy, and everyone on Oahu, mom and Max, Lehua and Conner, Kai, Robin, TT and my monkey, Kaiola, The Weigangs, and everyone on the Big Island, mahalo nui loa for everything. We are so grateful… but it is never long enough. We miss you all so much!

Mel & Kaleo

Temos saudades Portugal!


On the beach at Foz de Arelho at sunset

On the beach at Foz de Arelho at sunset

We are back! Portugal has got to be one of the most beautiful, friendly, relaxing, and fun places we have seen so far. I guess it also has to do with how you ‘do’ your vacation, what type of trip you want to have, and how much you want to fit into the time available. Well, this trip was done just right. Kaleo and Remy were already on tour in Europe until the 3rd of August, and flew back to Lisbon to wait for me.  I left LAX on the 3rd and got into Lisbon the morning of the 4th. Remy had decided to fly home to California even though Kaleo and I really wanted him to stay and have a fun family vacation (aka Surf Trip to Portugal, Brah!!) with us. In his defense, they were just in Japan, home for a few days, then Portugal and all over the UK, so all in all traveling for like a month and a half. So I can understand him wanting to sleep in his own bed. When I got there that morning I figured he was already heading home to Cali. To my surprise, Kaleo had talked him into staying!! I was so happy. As you know, Remy and I are super-duper close for a brother/sister and the idea of spending the next 12 days with my two favorite guys on a surf trip in Portugal was just perfect.


Kaleo on the deserted beach in front of our condo getting ready to surf an empty wave

Remy on the deserted beach in front of our condo getting ready to surf an empty wave

We have some incredible friends that live in Portugal named Alexa and Hugo who offered their gorgeous two bedroom beach house to us for our entire trip! The place was in one of the best areas to surf in Portugal, near Peniche, Foz, and Baleal. It’s about an hour north of Lisbon so we rented a car to get there since the rail system hasn’t yet reached all of that region. Well, the car that they gave us was simply awesome. It was a Citroen C1. C1!! Even Alexa didn’t know they made them that small! It was like a Smart Car with four doors. Seriously. Kaleo named him…. Pepe the Mule. 





the boards are almost as long as Pepe

the boards are almost as long as Pepe


More Pepe the Mule

More Pepe the Mule




We were staying at the Praia del Rei resort area which is close to Caldas da Rainhas (bath of the Queen) and Òbidos. Òbidos (pronouced oh-be-doosh) is a little city within castle walls that was a gift from the poet King Dinis to his wife, Isabella of Aragon. They saw it in passing once and she likened it to a jewel-studded crown so he gave it to her as a wedding gift. It is a medieval town that is set in the middle of a valley of vineyards. Just stunning. I am adding a page for our Portugal pictures after this post, so check back for it within a day or so. 


we are walking on the castle wall walkway around the city of Obidos

we are walking on the castle wall walkway around the town of Òbidos


aleo walking up the stone stairs to the castle wall walkway that surrounds the town of Òbidos

aleo walking up the stone stairs to the castle wall walkway that surrounds the town



We had absolutely no agenda on this trip. Such a great feeling when you are on vacation. Of course there were things that we wanted to do such as eat the local food, taste the regional wines, surf the world famous surf spots, hang out with our friends, hear some Fado music, see Òbidos, go out in Lisbon, etc. But we weren’t necessarily attached to the outcome of whether we checked any of it off our list or not. Well, except for the surfing. It’s not a surf trip with no surf, right? Of course, since I don’t surf I got to relax and explore a little more than the guys did, but believe me, they were not complaining. They got some great surf, most of it with little or no people out besides themselves. So not really caring what we did each day that we were there gave us such a sense of freedom. We got SO much done and still had much more time to just relax and do nothing than we have had in a really long time.


The empty break in our front yard

The empty break in our front yard



Porto Batel on our first day

Porto Batel on our first day



If you could design a dish that is perfect for Kaleo and I (and Remy!), it would be found in Portugal. Oh my gosh… Especially at our favorite place called Rio Cortiço which was hidden deep within the woodsy, beachy area that we were staying. Through the trees and down a white sand road into a clearing is the cutest little restaurant on the beach. You just park on the sand in a make shift lot, and walk to the restaurant that has only outdoor tables. It’s set up on a deck a couple of feet up off the sand and has hanging rice paper lanterns and a bamboo shade “ceiling”. The fish that was caught that day is grilled right outside on an old school homemade grill so you can see what looks good as you walk up. The fish is prepared just grilled, some as is, others halved and grilled in two with only sea salt as a seasoning. When you order a fish it is served with a side of boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables, and a salade mixta, or lettuce, tomato and onion salad with a tiny bit of olive oil, vinegar and sea salt for flavor. Oh wow. I was in heaven… Pair it with a glass of the house wine which is the Vinho Verde (like a very light, dry white wine with the slightest bit of sparkle to it) or a Super Bock (national beer of Portugal) and some meláo (a huge slice of melon that is kind of a cross between a honeydew and a cantaloupe. Honey-loupe? or Canta-dew?) for dessert. We must have frequented this place about 5-6 times while we were there. The owner, Susana was trying to get Kaleo and Remy to play a Sabotage show there…  Which is a funny story because our waiter was this cool Brazilian guy named Luciano, who looked like Seu George, one of our favorite Brazilian musicians. He barely spoke English and my Portuguese at that time consisted of ordering food, so using a lot of hand motions, we figured out that he liked the same music as us. The guys gave him a Sabo CD, which was the only CD we had in Pepe. The ext time we came back for dinner they decided to put the CD on for the restaurant. If you’ve heard the CD, you know that it may or may not be for all ears during dinner, depending on how open your mind is. 😉 And Susana and Luciano most likely didn’t understand anything the songs were saying because of their limited English. Cool beans, right? Well the clientele at this restaurant is basically British and Irish tourists. Who understand English. I know! I’m laughing too! So I was having a blast watching Kaleo and Remy squirm a bit at first as we looked around the restaurant. What did we see? Everyone was grooving! Even this man who was in his 60’s wearing a lemon yellow sweater vest and white yacht pants was literally dancing in his seat. A mother was bouncing her kid to the beat, another woman was tapping her feet and people all around were just loving it. It was a cool scene. 






on the road that goes to our beach house in Praia del Rei

on the road that goes to our beach house in Praia del Rei

Every morning at the casa we would wake up at about 8, Remy and Kaleo would do some yoga and stretches and check the surf while I made breakfast. By then the clouds would burn off and we would head out to the beach. Hugo tried to surf with them everyday, work permitting, and as Kaleo says, he is like the unofficial mayor of this region. At least in the beach areas. He knows everyone! Perfect way to be introduced to a local break, just paddle out with Hugo Amado. The Portuguese are so kind and welcoming, it felt a little like being back home in Hawaii. 


Kaleo, Hugo and Remy

Kaleo, Hugo and Remy

 Alexa and Hugo told us about this festival in the town of Ferrel called, well, Ferrel Festival. It lasts for an entire week and they practically shut everything down to move in an huuuge stage, lots of gypsy vendors, caipirinha and Super Bock stands, bumper cars, some octopus-like ride that made me feel woozy looking at it, churro and fartudo stands and most importantly… donkey races! Oh yeah. I wanted to race a doney SO bad! Hugo and Alexa said that anyone could enter, so I was going to find a donkey and race it. Of course since I grew up riding and showing horses, I thought it would be a piece of cake, no problemo! We had to pass through the town of Ferrel to get to the beaches everyday and I secretly would bring an extra bag stashed in the very back of Pepe that held my jeans and boots JUST IN CASE that day would be the day that I got to race my donkey. The festival had been going on for three days and we still hadn’t stopped once! We were waiting for Saturday when Hugo and Alexa could come with us sans the kiddos. Saturday came and we were invited to Hugo’s friends birthday party and then we were to hit the Ferrel! I got dressed for the party in a cute black, short, frock (I just said frock. who am I? I think I’ll leave it) with my slippers. Dressy casual for a Portuguese party that I had no idea what to expect. But how could I ride a donkey in this?? So I re-packed my donkey-racing-clothes bag. Busted. Remy walks by my room and says, “Sister, what are you doing, bringing like 3 more changes of clothes for the night? Just wear what you have on.”  I told them that I really DID want to race a donkey (I think they thought I was kidding), and they laughed hysterically at me! Whatever, I’m bringing it. After the party we went to the Ferrel. It was so packed we could barely get through the crowd. We saw some of Hugo and Alexa’s friends and danced a bit to the crazy Brazilian pop stars on the massive stage, got a caipirinha, browsed the gypsy wares, and ate a fartudo. Now, I’m sure most of you know what a churro is. It’s basically dough squuezed into hot oil and fried then rolled in sugar and cinnamon. It’s about an inch thick and maybe 8 inches long. A FARTUDO is the same process, but it is about 4 inches thick and over a foot long! Cra-zaaazy. Now nicknamed the burro churro. Figure it out. So it was all fun and games, but no donkeys were seen! I was bummed, but I figured we still had a few more days to find the mystical donkey races. On the way home, I asked if the donkey racers were just locals who were drunk enough to want to ride a donkey, because I figured that I would be stone cold sober and bringing my A-game and would take this thing. Well it turns out that the adorable little old Portuguese men that I kept seeing on the side of the road in their cool hats were my competition. And they practice all year long for these things. Whoa… Ok so reality is hitting me a little bit and suddenly I am a little intimidated! But I still persisted on riding a damn donkey. The next day we were at our local little restaurant and Remy saw a poster for the Ferrel. Turns out, the donkey races had happened on Saturday, but it was early on in the day… Alas, I rode no donkeys on this trip. I guess I saved face though, because I probably would have been last and made an Ass out of myself and my donkey. Pun very intended. 


Entering Ferrel Fest

Entering Ferrel Fest

***more to come! I’m going to post some photos on the Portugal Page***