Yoga Retreat with me in Bali!


After much planning and lots of excitement, we have booked the entire Desa Seni Eco-Village Resort for our Bali retreat! Danielle Osicki and I will be hosting this 8 day/7 night retreat in June of 2010 in Canggu, Bali. Of course since it is in Bali, Kaleo, Remy, and Danielle’s husband are super excited about this one too. Yoga, surfing, delicious organic meals, Balinese massage, cultural day trips, a community karma yoga event, and lots of fun…. What a great way to spend a week of your summer! All the details are on the Summer Bali Yoga Retreat page of this blog, and also check out the venue, Desa Seni Village Resort.

The squirrels are beginning to be a problem…

I’m writing this with a sad heart right now as Kaleo and Annie are on their way to relocate the first of about 14 squirrels to a new place. Let me start from the beginning. 

As you know, I had the ‘great’ idea to start a garden. I put my heart into this garden and slowly began to watch the fruits of my labor unfold as little sprouts peeped up out of the Earth, plants began to flower, and eventually my beautiful little organic garden of love started to produce fruits and veggies! Oh what a happy day! So- if you’ve been following this blog, or perhaps have spoken to me in person in the past couple of months since this whole garden thing began, you know that I’ve been battling creatures. It started with earwigs, then slugs, then rabbits, then birds, then maybe something I don’t even know about, definitely the neighborhood cat, and then…. The Squirrels. Yes, I capitalized them because they are a force to be reckoned with. Not only do the squirrels like to eat all of my yummy berries as soon as they turn ripe and colorful, or chomp on each little carrot-top as soon as it peeks it’s green out of the dirt, or chew every last leaf of the cucumber plants until they shrivel and die, oh no. They also like to play in the dirt. Yep, funny guys, huh? They dig and roll around in the freshly planted soil, and scoop out the dirt from my new potted Plumeria (named Alice by the way). Just for FUN. Those little bastards. 

Now they have a new game in addition to my garden playground. They come to our lanai and cruise around looking for any left over pellets that Bella might have missed. And they even have started to come into the house when the sliding glass door is open! They are now encroaching on our personal space and it is not okay. So- I’ve been shoo-ing them away with crazy antics and I now know that they simply do it for entertainment. They must be saying, ” Let’s see if we can get that crazy lady to do something funny”. And when I do, they run back to their little cave under the stairs and roll around with laughter. Ugh! It’s SO infuriating!!!

Okay, so Kaleo got back from Japan on Monday, and saw how the monsters have taken over and how ballsy they’ve gotten. We woke up Tuesday morning and he says, that’s it, I’m buying a gun right now…  My reaction? Oh this is good. Keep in mind I’m in tears while saying this:


Yep. I know. I was laughing at myself too… I just said, ‘Wow, that was a little dramatic, huh?’ And we started cracking up. So… tension gone, head a little more clear after my ridiculous outbreak, I conceded and told him that if he wanted to shoot them, I couldn’t know ANYTHING about it. I was still crying and sad though. Well, the wonderful husband that he is when into his studio and started looking up humane traps online. That’s how much he loves me. 🙂

So we go and get a humane trap. All good right? Nope. Now I feel bad that the mommy and daddy will be separated and the babies will be orphans, and they will be sad and scared, and, and…. *sigh*  There really is no pleasing me in this situation because if I had my way, we would just live in harmony with the animals and they can eat some of my veggies from the garden because we can’t possibly eat them all, and besides I was always taught to share… But they are digging holes ALL over the front yard and ruining the property, so something has to be done. 

So I had a meeting this afternoon and while I was gone Kaleo set the trap. When I got home we had caught the big daddy of squirrels. He was chirping and squeaking and whatever it is they do, probably warning the rest of them. So now here I am writing about it while Kaleo and Annie are finding him a new home. And all I can think of is his family all freaking out because he is gone, and then him in a new place where he doesn’t know anyone, missing his family. Aw man.. It’s so lame. I’m just grateful that I have a compassionate husband who did this all without me because I am way too much of a softy and a chicken to do it myself. So here’s to the bag daddy squirrel finding himself a nice new home, and getting it ready for his family, because the rest of them will be joining him soon, I’m sure.


An hour later and they are back…. with squirrel!! I was trying SO hard to not laugh. Apparently there wasn’t a good enough place to release the little guy. Sooooo…. He is now in our garage, still in the cage, and Kaleo is fabricating a cute little squirrel watering system out of some celery. I love it! So damn sweet. So I called a pest-remover that I found on a humane animal site. He is going to come out with six more traps and then once we have them he will take them all to the same spot and release them. Yay! This means that most likely they will all live happily ever after together. I even asked him, ‘You promise me that you will release them all in the same spot and not just hurt (kill) them, right??’. He laughed and said yes. So I believe him. And I’m happy. And I’m laughing because Kaleo really IS in the garage giving the squirrel food and making a water dish out of celery. So awesome. All love.

My day thus far…



I woke up this morning- Wait, wait, wait… Ever notice how so many Blues songs begin with that? Ahhh love the blues. Ok I have to go put some Muddy Waters on now, I’m inspired.

… I woke up this morning to the Camp Pendleton bombing, or explosions, whatever they are. Camp Pendleton is the Marine base about 15-20 miles north of us, and when they bomb it shakes our whole house. It is really unsettling and it often goes on throughout the night and into the morning as it did today. It literally shakes my windows. So this brought me out of my too-light of a slumber. Kaleo is out of town, and it usually takes me a couple of days to get used to not having him next to me. I sleep light and restless until I acclimate and I make sure that I don’t watch anything scary before bed. Not even a trailer for a scary movie. Sure, I am 30-something but I can still imagine that there are monsters under my bed with the rest of ’em. Anyway he is only gone until tomorrow so I won’t have to get used to it until next week when he leaves for Japan. 

So, yeah. That was how I woke up. And then I spoke with him on the phone and I think I was a little grouchy due to not sleeping very well. I got over it really quickly though. My grouchiness usually consists of a pouty voice and a grumpy face which everyone else thinks is funny. And then I forget why I am grouchy and it melts away when something else catches my attention. Kind of like flashing a shiny object in front of a kid. However, don’t ever point out that I am grouchy, even though it’s obvious I want you to know. That will just delay the shiny object from pulling me back into happiness. Kaleo knows exactly how to deal with me. He just laughs. And of course within a minute I am laughing too. So anyway, we said goodbye and I hopped into the shower to get ready to go to the yoga studio. Now, I cannot see without my glasses. So in the shower I am just kind of winging it. Whatever, you don’t need to see in the shower to make sure you are clean. But- you DO need to see in the shower to make sure there are no spiders in there with you. Oh yes. I was not alone. (shudder) It was, as Paris Hilton says, Huuugge. But not in a good way, like she means it. I slowly got out of the shower and considered my options. And put on my glasses. I had to decide quickly whether to kill, to flush, or to scoot. Since it was close enough to our window above the shower, I chose to scoot. Of course, my decision to let the creature live had to do with my insane idea that it would go and tell all of his little spider friends to not bother us anymore. And I didn’t want his family to come-a-knockin’ and revenge his death. WHAT?!? I don’t know, it was early. 

So- off I went to go teach my 9am yoga class. I love my job so much that I always show up really early for my class. I light the candles, get the music ready, close the curtains in the studio. Ambiance-check. Yoga clothes-uh-oh. I had put my jammies back on when I was drying my hair and I forgot to change into my yoga clothes! Ay dios mio. I went to check my car for anything that would work. Now, let me explain my car. She is so pretty. Clean on the outside, detailed and pristine on the inside, and then- there’s the trunk. Ha! Kaleo, I know you are sporting a ‘shit-eating’ grin on your face right now… It’s a Perfect Mess. From teaching off-site yoga, in my trunk I have anywhere from 4-6 mats, a Zafu cushion, a Tibetan bowl, 9 yoga straps, 9 yoga blocks, 10 eye pillows, aroma therapy, something I need to return to Bed Bath and Beyond, some shoes, some books, and Yes! a back up yoga outfit. Whew. I would have looked really silly teaching yoga in my pink and brown bunny rabbit-covered jammies. 

There was a sweet older man in class today that had taken my class a few times in the past. And he happened to let out a little fart. Not a boisterous one,  just a little one, bless his heart. Of course I didn’t bring any attention to it at all, just kept going with my class, and no one gave it a second thought. That is until he started laughing. He was laughing so hard that we all just stopped for a minute, mid-dog, and laughed along with him. After class he explained that his late wife told him that women didn’t fart. She convinced him of this fact when they were young and didn’t ever give him a reason to believe otherwise. When she passed away he realized the private joke she had kept from him for years, and was reminded at that moment in class and couldn’t hold back the laughter. Random story, but charming none-the less. 

After class I came home to find a squirrel in our garden. Sounds like the afore mentioned blues song. “WOKE up this morrrninnnn, FOUND another squirrrrrrel in my yard.” So I chased it. Alllll the way home to his little squirrel den. Then I stomped my feet, made wild hissing noises, and jumped up and down on the stairs in the front yard that they live under. I really tried to scare the shit out of them. Of course, here I go looking crazy to the neighbors once again, but damn. I told you it was war. Albeit, an organic-no-creatures-were-harmed-in-the-making-of-this-garden kind of war. 

So now I blog. And if living the first half of my day wasn’t amusing enough, writing about it makes me laugh all over again. Especially since I am writing this while listening to a snoring piggie on my floor. Life is good. Love is even better. Enjoy this beautiful day!

“Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” –Rumi

Garden Update


Front View

Front View

I have to say, I am SO happy that our garden is thriving! Can you believe that we are victorious (knock on wood) over those little monsters?? We still have a few pests, but as you can see most everything is growing and even producing. Notice my composter to the right of the shot! I got it from Gaiam and I totally love it. It’s so easy to use, just spin it daily and keep a 50/50 mix of green and brown (or wet and dry). Meeaann. 



Close-up of the crook-neck squash

Close-up of the crook-neck squash

The above is one of our squash plants. We have two of them and they are absolutely huge. I had to prune them today because they are growing into the green beans. 



Green Roma Tomatoes

Green Roma Tomatoes

We finally have tomatoes! Our 4 tomato plants are massive and are producing quite a lot of tomatoes already. I’m already going through my cookbooks to get new recipes for all of them, as I know we will be bombarded really soon. Yay!



Kaleo building the walkways

Kaleo building the walkways

Kaleo had the great idea of using the old pavers and river rocks to make the pathways more decorative and aesthetically pleasing. 


Side view

Side view

Today we planted corn, aloe vera, carrots, cucumbers, and Kaleo planted his very first one… A Pepper plant. Ha! How appropriate. 🙂 

This was the first day that Kaleo got to experience the garden first-hand since he’s been home from tour. Like, actually digging in the dirt kind of first-hand. He loved it, and was such a great help. Tomorrow we will plant the lettuce and more herbs in the herb garden. Simply perfect.

Bob and Mozart


One bed of our new garden

One bed of our new garden

Here is one of the four beds of our new garden. We have six different hot peppers, bok choy, lettuce, green beans, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, yellow squash, sweet onion, red onion, asparagus, strawberries, blueberries and an herb garden. I am going to be one of those crazy old ladies that walk around her garden talking and singing to her plants, I just know it. Well, except for the singing part. Just ask Kaleo, I cannot sing to save my life.  So in the mornings I play Bob Marley for them, and in the evenings it’s Mozart. Seems to be working, they are all adjusting to the garden nicely. Now if I could only get rid of the slugs and earwigs… bastards.