“Unless it is mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it’s a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life. Love should not be one of them.” ~Unknown

I am writing this while packing my suitcase, making some earrings for my trip, creating my newsletter for the yoga studio, and simultaneously kicking myself for choosing the 6am flight. Meaning, I am waking up at 3:30am. That’s in the morning, people. But I am just ridiculously excited to be flying out to Austin to visit Kaleo on tour, so in the big picture, I don’t mind at all.
Whitney and I have been busy little bees making jewelry for our line and I’m really happy to announce the launch very soon. Website is being created, but we still don’t have a finalized logo. However, for now this will suffice:

bella + bug

Beachy, Boho designs for the savvy lovechild…

Our pieces are handcrafted using gold and silver, with gorgeous stones such as new jade and colorful sea pearls. We love to use shells and natural elements we’ve found on our travels to the beaches of France, Portugal, Bali, Costa Rica and beyond. We make what we love to wear, creating own personal collection of pieces that have a Bohemian, Beachy vibe. It just started to grow from there!
When I return from tour I will be staging some photos to post here and then hopefully our site will be up not too long after. As of October 1st, you can find them in my boutique, and a couple of others very shortly after. Eden visited this weekend and I sent her home with some pieces for her birthday. First person ever to wear bella + bug besides Whitney and I!  🙂

Okay, enough shameless self-promotion. I should get back to my to-do list shortly. I feel like I have been extremely productive lately, which feels amazing. However I must say, I think I need to slow down a bit. The other day I got ready to go to the studio and it was pretty cold out. In fact it was the first day of Fall, so it was seriously chilly. I put my slippers on as I walked out the door and quickly decided that I needed shoes with socks. So I went back in and put on my running shoes. As I stepped out, I noticed I was still freezing so I ran back in and grabbed a scarf. That should do it! Third time locking my front door and walking out to my car that was parked on the street. Why am I still so cold?? I can’t wait to get in and put my seat warmers on… As I put one foot in the car I looked down and realized that I was NOT WEARING ANY PANTS. Underwear, yes. Yoga pants? Not so much. Here I was, looking like a fool wearing running shoes, a tee shirt, underwear and a scarf. On my street in the morning when everyone is out walking their dogs. With pants on. Them, not me. Even some of the dogs wear clothes, for crying out loud! I was horrified as I ran back into my house, frantically trying to unlock the door with my cold, bare ass out there for the world to see. (sigh)

So that’s my awkward moment of the week. Now I must get back to my packing so I can fly out in the AM. So excited to se my love. Falling in love everyday is so important, and oh so fun. Have a wonderful week!

Peace in, Peace out… 

Reading: Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein
Loving: LIFE! And all it has to offer…
Watching: Sons of Anarchy
Grateful for: our day off of tour in Austin together, alone…
Listening to: How Deep Is Your Love? by the Rapture (another great song to dance in your underwear to. Just don’t forget to put pants on before you leave the house afterwards.) 

12 thoughts on ““Unless it is mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it’s a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life. Love should not be one of them.” ~Unknown

  1. Oh Mellie baby. This was so cute. I’m sorry that your forgot your pants. I always come by and read your posts. It’s been years since I’ve seen you..I was 18 back then and now I’m turning 24..so I hope to see your gorgeous face soon.

    I’m so excited for your trip. Travel safe! Xoxo

  2. Hi Melanie – I just adore your blog it’s so inspiring and uplifting + sometimes funny! Congrats on your jewelry line.

    MAJOR Pepper fan here – just saw them in DC it was such a GREAT show + the opening bands were great (love The Expendables)! I’m from the friendly land of Texas and Austin is like no other place – great music city, if you haven’t been be sure to hit up 6th St. Enjoy your time, sing as loud as you can – dance are as hard as possible:)

    • Hi Erica,

      I LOVE Austin… Always have the best time there! The people, the food, the music, and yes, 6th street is lots of fun. We went there after the show, actually. I heard DC was a blast, the boys love that venue and always have the best time. Thanks for the comment on the blog, makes me happy when people ‘get it’ instead of thinking I am a crazy person. 🙂

  3. Mel! I LOVE Gabrielle Bernstein!!! I just finished her Ing book and have yet to pick up Spirit Junkie. So great! I might sign up for her group coaching here in NYC – wish you could join me. And thanks for the LOL today re: you and no pants. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. You are too cute. So excited for bella + bug. You know I’m buying! oxoxoxox

    • Soph! You HAVE to go to her coaching group! And you have to let me know all about it. I miss you lovely lady! Hows NY? Are you coming home to HI or Cali for the holidays or for anything? Bascially, when can I see you???
      Yeah, the no pants thing. I still shy away from my neighbors when I see them, just in case they saw my cold, bare booty desperately trying to unlock my door one fall morning….. (sigh) ANyway, I miss you more than you know. Congrats again on your business, you hot entrepreneur. Xoxo

  4. Ohhh I want to check out your jewelry. You had me at “costa rica” ❤

    Is Spirit junkie good? It's been in my amazon cart since it came out, I think it's time to buy it 🙂

    • LIZ! So nice to see you on my little part of the web. I LOVE your blog and am there all the time. Thank you for your wonderful stories and uplifting blog posts. We need more like you in this world. 🙂
      I will let you know when my site is up for the jewelry. Right now I am trying to keep up with inventory requests and well, Life. Spirit Junkie was great! I loved her first book too, Add More ING to Your Life. I recommend reading it first. xo

  5. Hahaaaa Mel!!! So awesome of you to share this. I went to a salsa place last weekend, where they have dancers come out and pull u into the spot light to dance. Yea……full on tripped in my heels, so embarrassing, bit definitely funny, best part about it was being able to laugh at myself. Such an awesome when you learn to let go and laugh!!!

    Love the blog!!!!



    • I can oh so relate… With yoga and ballet you think I would have some grace? Hmm not so much. Kaleo wants to buy me a helmet because I am so clumsy but I am resisting. 😉 Thanks for sharing your story, I loved it!

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